Wednesday, June 1, 2011

starting a year of creation.

I have put this off for a while, but I have been so bored lately that I finally decided to start my "year of creation". My goal is to do one creative thing for every day of the year.. so that I am not sitting in front of the computer all day playing games or watching television in bed. yesterday, I went to see the Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum, and it was visually inspiring.. although really crowded. I guess it would have been better to attend on a weekday morning after all.

6/1/11 - my first task is to finish sewing this python hat - I have had this skin remnant for over 5 years; it has just been sitting in my room. The difficulty in working with python snakeskins is that the width of the skin is limited. In order to create the brims of hats from snakeskins, I have to piece together two sections.
(I already made one hat from this skin a few years back, so this is not an entirely new project for me, but I had to start somewhere).

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