Monday, June 6, 2011

orphan #4: skewer ball

I did not want to go another day without missing my creative contribution to life. this is a skewer ball made from toothpicks puncturing a styrofoam core. it was one of the sculptural objects that I learned to make from an anthropologie demonstration. I already completed one at the class, and they gave us extra material to make a twin brother (2:00).

I missed doing anything yesterday, so I am -2 now. I am sure I will lose track at some point.

again, it is not a very creative project, but at least I did something today... other than see x-men: first class.

oh. there is a little bald spot at the top where I did not finish one section of the sphere. I am not sure what I am going to do with this guy - probably just gather dust in my bedroom. but the project actually did give me quite a few ideas when I was at the store. Initially, my idea was to make a porcupine hoody costume for halloween out of toothpicks, but after some thought, I felt it would be dangerous to myself and to others. what happens if some drunk guy bumps into me. both of us would get stabbed, I would probably be arrested and have to turn in my porcupine suit for a black and white striped suit.

I received the memory modules today to install into my computer (giving the computer 1.5gb instead of 768mb). I must say I am a bit disappointed; I was expecting an increase in the computer speed more akin to what happened with my mom's computer. It has sped up a little, but it turns out that what slows the computer down must be the computer processor (an Athlon) and the graphics card (the ATI All in Wonder 9700 Pro). I guess the next (and only) thing I could try is getting an upgraded graphics card... not sure if it is worth it though.

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