Wednesday, June 1, 2011

orphan #1: python hat.

.. and here is the completed python fedora hat.
I almost burned the hat while stretching it out on the block machine - I really need to get an electronic timer switch. I forget, even if I make a mental note. I caught a faint metallic burning odor and had to make a mad rush. the hat was okay thank goodness.

now I just need to find some trim to put on it, but I will probably not find anything suitable for weeks.. so this hat will not really be truly finished for a while.

.. I was distracted from the hot blocker by a fungal gnat. I am growing some corn seedlings in eggshell cartons which I started last week. I suppose I have not been completely idle. I saw a gnat crawling on the soil, and it freaked me out. I was trying desperately to squish it with a paper towel but it flew off.

well now that is done for the day, I can resume playing bards tale on playstation.

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